Think Beyond The Visual

Thinking beyond the visual

You need to think beyond the visual when you visit our social media platforms.

They capture our members’ achievements and it’s our opportunity to celebrate those with the world. A way we can share their accomplishments with the wider Geelong CrossFit community. These are not people that woke up that morning and threw a heavy weight over their heads. These are people who make a daily decision to get out of their comfort zone for an hour a day and push themselves further than they thought possible.

The most important thing to know about our social media is that it does not at all reflect where people started.

It’s easy in a society so heavily influenced by media to get caught up in the look of things. Social media is good at creating this false illusion of how men and women are ‘supposed’ to look, act and feel. But sometimes you need to take a step back and think beyond the visual. How did they get there? And how can YOU get there?!

Too often we hear ‘I need to get fit first’,  ‘I need to be stronger’, ‘I can’t do those movements’  – according to who?

The outcome of the above mindset is, if you were fitter, stronger, more capable then what reason would you have to ever start?

Let’s be clear, to join our Geelong CrossFit community the only thing you ‘need’ is a goal and the desire to work for it, that’s it.

Everyone’s reasons for joining are different. Ranging from fitness / physical strength / social community / weight loss / mental strength or just to move or have routine.

Our reason for doing what we do each day is quite simply to finish each day a better version of when we started but everyone’s version of BETTER is different, only you can define what makes you a better version of yourself.

Better to me might be communicating more comfortably in a social environment or the mental strength to do things when you can’t be bothered. Better to you might be a number on the scales or a number on the end of your barbell.

Don’t compare yourself to the images of someone – there is much more to these people than a photo of one movement in one moment.

Find a community you can thrive in, become that Instagram picture that shows the world that our differences are our perfections. 

So, are you ready to own your reason to start and join our Geelong CrossFit gym, and the CrossFit Raven Family?

We’re waiting to hear from you, get in touch today!


Geelong Gym…Revolutionised.


How’s ya snatch?